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I (Jonathan Morris) offer a dog walking service to you (the Client) on the following terms. References to ‘Dog’ are to the Client’s dog and Jonathan Morris will be referred to as ‘the Walker’. This agreement is made when signed by us.

Terms of agreement


  1. Relationship and Responsibilities

    1. The Client retains the services of the Walker as an independent contractor and not as an employee.

    2. The Walker will undertake all services with care and consideration with the best welfare of the dog in mind, and the Client will assist by providing all necessary information to allow for this.

      1. The Client will provide the Walker with details of the Dog’s inoculations and contact details of its vet. In case of need the Walker is authorised to refer the Dog to the named (or in an emergency any other) vet for advice or treatment at the Client’s expense unless due to Walkers fault. The Client undertakes to reimburse to the Walker all expenses incurred under this clause.

      2. The Client will notify the Walker of any changes in information when relevant

    3. The Walker holds insurance in respect to third party claims and the dogs welfare while in the Walkers care. The Walker does not take liability for any claims not caused during their care, in this case the Client must take responsibility.

      1. The Walker will inform the Client of any incident or anything which the Walker notices about a pet, which as owners the Client ought to know.                                                 

  2. Compensation

    1. The Walker shall be paid the amount of £………….. per…………………………

  3. Cancellation or Termination

    1. The Walker requires 12 hrs notice of cancellation for Client’s dog walk. If such notice isn’t given the provider will charge the Client as if the walk has taken place.

    2. Where the Walker as sole proprietor needs to cancel a scheduled walk less than 7 days prior, due to unforeseen circumstances, he/she may appoint a substitute Walker with the written approval of the Client and any difference in the fees charged shall be for the account of the Walker

    3. Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous, the Walker may terminate this contract with immediate effect. The Walker will though where necessary

      1. Arrange with a pet's Guardian to assume responsibility for the pet until the Client's return;

      2. Place the pet into a kennel or animal care facility at the Client's expense if a Guardian is unable or unwilling to assume responsibility for the pet.

    4. Any wrongful or misleading information in the Client's Information sheets may constitute a breach of terms of this Contract and be grounds for instant termination thereof but at no reduction in compensation.

    5. The Walker will notify Client of any changes in costings otherwise they are as originally agreed for the service.

    6. If weather conditions prevent or puts the Walkers or dogs health/life at threat, then the Walker will have the right to cancel. In this case the Walker will give as much warning as possible and refund the cost.

  4. Liability

    1. The Walker will perform the duties required to the best of their ability in a responsible manner.

    2. The Walker accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage to the Client's property if any other person has access to the property during the term of this agreement

    3. The Walker shall not be liable for any mishap of whatsoever nature which may befall a dog or caused by a dog who has unsupervised access to the indoors and/or outdoors.

    4. The Client shall be liable for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to the Walker caused by the dog.

    5. The Walker is released from all liability related to transporting pet(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the pet(s) and the expense thereof.

  5. Emergencies

    1. In the event of an emergency, the Walker shall contact the Client at the numbers provided to confirm the Client's choice of action. If the Client cannot be reached the Walker is authorized to:

      1. Transport the dog to the listed veterinarian;

      2. Request on-site treatment from a veterinarian;

      3. Transport the dog to an emergency clinic if the previous two options are not feasible.

  6. Security

    1. The Walker warrants to keep safe, confidential and only use for intended purpose all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the Client and to return same to the Client at the end of the contract period or immediately on demand.

  7. Dog walking

The Walker will walk the dog as agreed at …………………………………………………………….


  1. The Walker will walk the dog individually or in groups as requested by the Client.

  2. The Client will supply suitable collars or harnesses and leads [and when necessary muzzles] for the Dog and any coats or other accessories which the Client wishes to be used. The Walker will be entitled to refuse to walk the Dog if a suitable collar or harness and lead [and muzzle] is not provided and to be paid in full as though that walk had taken place.

    1. This is to include an identity tag with name and address as specified under the Control of Dogs Order 1992.

  3. The Walker will keep the dog on a lead unless prior arrangement has been made to walk the dog off lead whenever out of the house. The Walker will take care so far as is practicable so that the Dog is not a nuisance or danger to anyone, or any other animals, and that no harm comes to them. The Walker will supply a bag and use them on all walks to remove the Dog’s faeces and ensure that Dog does not foul any public or private place.

  4. If the Walker decides the weather conditions are a danger to the welfare of the dog (too hot or cold), then a suitable alternative exercise, such as time in shade or indoor enrichment for the arranged length of time will be substituted.

  1. General

    1. The parties agree that any or all parts of this agreement may be submitted to the other party in legible and recordable electronic form and upon acknowledgement of receipt by the receiving party shall become valid parts of the agreement.


Paragraph headings are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to have any effect on the interpretation or determining of rights or obligations under this agreement.

Terms of Service.

Terms of Service

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